Village Road : How it is constructed? ( 4 Features, Advantages & Disadvantages )

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What is Village Road?

A type of low-cost road that is constructed in rural areas at low funds utilizing local materials and manpower is called Village Road.

It is also called Rural Road.

low cost road/ earthen road / earth road / village road

✔ A village road is a low-quality road that is constructed to connect nearby villages to the district roads.

✔ This road is suitable for low traffic and can be further improved when required in future.



  a. Features of Village Road  

Some features of the village road are:

a. It is constructed from local materials available at the site or near the site.

b. It can be further upgraded easily when required.

c. It is the initial stage of road construction.

d. Local manpower is commonly hired.



  b. Construction of Village Road  

Steps in the construction of this road are:

construction of low cost road


a. Fixing of Road Alignment  

Road alignment should be fixed such that it follows the SESE rule.

{ SESE rule:

S= Short ( Road length should be short )

E= Easy ( It should be easy to construct and maintain the road )

S= Safe ( Road should be safe for users)

E= Economical ( vehicle operation cost, construction cost, and maintenance cost should be low ) }


b. Executing Earthwork  

✔ It includes cutting and filling of earth. Earth extracted from cutting work should be utilized for filling work of the same road alignment. This decreases the cost of construction.



In many cases; excavators or dozers are utilized for excavation. Excavating machine itself compacts the soil to a certain extent. 

If not possible to use excavators or dozers; local people are gathered and excavation of the soil is also done manually using tools like Pick Axe, Hoe, Shovel, etc.


c. Preparation of Sub-grade  

✔ Sub-grade is prepared by slight application of water followed by compaction with compacting machines, tamping rods, or manual compacting hammers.



In the presence of compacting machine, it should be given priority.  

If not possible to use compacting machines, you can utilize wooden logs or tamping rods, or other manual compacting methods. 


d. Preparation of Surface Course  

✔ The surface course constitutes of small stone chips & earth that are mechanically or manually compacted like subgrade with the slight application of water.


e. Opening to Traffic   

✔ After complete drying; the road is opened for traffic. Generally, 1 to 3 days is provided for drying the road.



  c. Advantages of Village Road  

a. Local materials and manpower are utilized.

b. Low construction cost.

c. More- environment friendly.

d.  It can be upgraded to the blacktopped road when required.

e. Helps to mobilize rural materials.



  d. Disadvantages of Village Road  

a. Suitable for low traffic only.

b. It is dusty and ruts are formed quickly.

c. Needs frequent maintenance (mainly after heavy rainfalls).

d. Low comfort for users.

e. Problem of skidding of vehicles in the presence of moisture.

Read More: Earth Road



  e. Reference  


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Read More: WBM Road


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