The Importance of Branding And Branded Merchandise For Construction Firms

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✓ In the 19th century, Jasper Meek, the father of brand merchandising, convinced a local shoe store to supply bags to local schools with the shoe store’s name printed.

Since then, branded merchandise has become standard industry practice from construction firms to every other industry and has taken up words such as freebies, swag, and promo products. 

✓ Proper branding in your construction firm creates a solid and positive perception of your business and its products and services in a customer’s mind. Branding is achieved by combining elements such as the mission statement, the logo, and a standard theme through your construction firm’s marketing materials.

✓ On the other hand, branded merchandise is products that contain a logo and other elements of your construction firm’s brand identity.

Whichever section of the construction industry you are in, be it interior design, contracting, residential builders, or commercial property management, name it, branded merchandise immensely benefits your construction firm for several reasons.  

✓ One of the reasons is that it is a cost-effective way to advertise your products and services. This cost-effectiveness results from invoking the assistance of branded merchandise suppliers to create and supply your branded merchandise.



  Importance of Branding And Branded Merchandise For Construction Firms  


  1. Branded Merchandise Suppliers  

✓ Companies and corporations in the US, UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand do not necessarily produce their merchandise. They purchase these items through professional branded merchandise suppliers, often called promotional consultants or product distributors.

✓ As a construction company, branded merchandise suppliers are a welcome solution as they free you from investing in staff to service end-user needs, which is the domain of branded merchandise suppliers. 

✓ A great option is Steel City, which is a reputable branded merchandise supplier based in the United Kingdom, has a 40-year accredited membership of the BPMA and offers free visuals and a dedicated account manager.

✓ Some common branded merchandise that construction firms can leverage includes branded water bottles, hoodies, branded t-shirts, accessories like hats and keychains, and bags.

The Importance of Branding And Branded Merchandise For Construction Firms

These branded merchandise suppliers introduce us to the first importance of branding: cost-effectiveness.

Your construction firm saves on staffing costs and still generates quality merchandise that is then supplied to the customers.

 Customers then spread the word about your construction firm on social media, in the streets when they wear your branded merchandise, and in their interactions with others who are likely to become your customers.

✓  Branded merchandise is, therefore, a cost-effective way to advertise and promote your construction business.


  2. Branded Merchandise Builds And Fosters Customer Loyalty  

✓ Numerous research shows that customers who receive branded merchandise are likely to engage with the products and services of the company in the future. Branded merchandise from your construction firm may give your customers something valuable they can associate your brand with, creating a positive impression of your business. 

✓ The daily use of branded merchandise can create an emotional connection with the customers, turning them into repeat customers and making them likely to recommend your products and services to others. 


  3. Branded Merchandise Increases Customer Awareness  

✓ What better way to learn about a brand than to see its name and logo emblazoned on a water bottle or a hoodie?

Your construction business can leverage items customers will likely use daily, like t-shirts, keyholders, caps, or water bottles.

✓ You can engage the services of branded merchandise suppliers to introduce your logo and tagline to these items and then distribute them to your prospective customers as gifts from your construction business. 

✓ A 2022 survey by marketing insights company Salsify that spread across the UK, US, France, and Germany, established that 47% of British consumers would procure higher-priced products or services than other similar options if the product or service is from a brand name they recognize and trust.

Of the things the customers looked for before making the purchasing decision, product images, user-generated and real-life example photos were some of the most relevant.

✓ Branded merchandise can tell the story of a customer’s relationship with your construction firm’s products and services. You can encourage your customers to share photos in which they do or use your branded merchandise with their social media followers.

These photos can be accompanied by their interaction with your construction firm’s products and services to inform them of your brand and its propensities.

✓ This will introduce you to new customers and build trust in your construction products and services.


  4. Branded Merchandise Boosts Employee Morale  

Branded merchandise fosters employee connection with your construction company brands and makes them feel appreciated by the company.

Not only will employees take photos and share them on social media, but they are also likely to wear the branded merchandise on their day-to-day engagements, which increases the reach of your construction brand. 

Research by an Indian publication, Times of India, shows that new employees and interns were 325% more likely to share their branded work kit online and draw the highest engagement, which suits your construction brand.

Branded merchandise to new hires will create a connection with the brand, make them feel appreciated, and thus boost their morale at work.

You can also use your construction company’s branded materials to reward outstanding employees for contributing to the workspace.

Major brands gift freebies to employees because they know that it infuses a sense of pride in them and makes them feel like they are a part of the change that the company builds.

Leverage branded merchandise in your construction firm to boost employee morale. 


  5. Branded Merchandise Communicates Brand Message  

Imagine this hoodie: ABCDE Construction, [company logo]. We Build Green And Clean.

What does your company stand for? What does it do best?

No place better to tell it to your customers than to put it on branded merchandise and gift it to them.

Not only do they carry with them your brand logo, but also a statement detailing why your construction company is the go-to choice and also what it stands for.

If your construction company focuses on stellar customer service, thrives on feedback, and offers groundbreaking products or services, communicate it on the branded merchandise you gift your customers.

It will give you an edge over your competitors and increase your reach.



  Parting Shot  

All the branded merchandise in the world will not help your construction company if you do not have a memorable and clear brand identity and anything to set you apart from your competitors.

You need to leverage the services of a reputable branding firm to help create or streamline your brand identity.

When you leverage brand merchandising, you have a clear, well-defined construction company brand that customers can relate to. Keep it attractive, keep it strong, and keep it memorable.

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