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Tremix Flooring or Vaccum Dewatering Flooring is a unique type of flooring mainly being used in the industrial field.
It is utilized where a rigid surface is essential for machine foundation, light load carrier vehicles, and lightweight cranes.
In the Tremix concrete flooring, required reinforcement is given according to the thickness of the flooring.
1. Ratio for Tremix Flooring
Usually, the mix of concrete utilized for Tremix is the ratio of 1:1.5:3 ( 1 cement, 1.5 sand, and 3 coarse aggregates).
2. Thickness of Tremix Flooring
The thickness of Tremix Flooring ranges from 100 mm to 200 mm.
In industrial flooring, the PCC base should maintain up to 100 mm and Tremix Floor kept at 150 mm.
3. Tool and Material Needed for Tremix Flooring
The tool and materials needed for tremix flooring are as follows:
✔ Vacuum dewatering pump
✔ Floater machine
✔ Tremix skin
✔ Double beam screed vibrator
4. Procedure for Tremix Flooring
a. Make ready the sub-base by watering and ramming, and ensure there is no easygoing material left. Smooth and Level the surface and spread 230 mm to 300 mm stone soling and it must be compacted appropriately.
b. Floor slope must be carried in PCC work, which shall be spread above the stone soling. The thickness of the PCC should be put at 100 mm.
c. Trimix has to be performed in the panel and one panel shall be 3.5 meters and a suitable steel bar should be spread in layer two or one holding the concrete cover of 50 mm.
d. Vacuum dewatering machines are very useful and release extra water from the top layer of wet concrete without releasing the cement of sand particles. This is accomplished soon after concreting, ramming, and vibrating for fresh concrete.
e. It does not only improve the strength of concrete but also the abrasion resistance of the floor. Shrinkage crack can be decreased by utilizing this method.
f. Casting of concrete flooring in panels to neglect shrinkage cracks and results as expansion joints. It is a time taking procedure when a big area is surrounded.
5. Advantages of Tremix Flooring
The advantages of Tremix flooring are as follows:
a. Vacuum Dewatering Floor has greater compressive strengths compared to normal PCC floor.
b. It delivers faster initial strength.
c. It decreases shrinkage crack.
d. It reduces permeability.
e. It Improves the abrasion resistance of the floor.
6. Disadvantages of Tremix Flooring
The disadvantages of tremix flooring are as follows:
a. High initial cost.
b. Need trained labor for the vacuum dewatering process.
c. Need specific equipment for vacuum dewatering like a vacuum pump.
d. Need power consumption during the dewatering process.
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