Safety at Construction Site

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In this article, we will discuss safety at construction site with several precautions that have to be taken to ensure safety at the construction site.


A construction job is a tedious job involving massive equipment, tool, machinery, and hazardous substances thus posing threats to the workers working at the site. The various tasks associated with the construction works involve great risk themselves such as working at heights, excavation, etc.

✔ According to reports by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), one in ten construction workers is injured every year; while the report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests that there occur about 150,000 construction site accidents every year.

✔ Workers between the age of 25 years to 34 years are most likely to get injured in a construction site accident.

Due to the growing casualties, it has become necessary to ensure safety at the construction site right from the design phase of construction itself.

Safety at Construction Site



  1. Safety at Construction Site  

Several precautions have to be taken to ensure safety at the construction site, which can be listed as follows:

Before the commencement of the project, the workers must be given adequate training regarding safety measures.

Hazardous construction works, such as blasting, excavation, etc., must be carried out under the supervision of experts only.

Personal protection equipment, such as gloves, helmets, etc., must be kept in the proper condition and must be compulsorily provided to the workers.

In case of any potential hazard at the site, the workers must be warned, and warning signs must be placed.

Smoking cigarettes at the site must be prohibited, and an unattended fire should not be left.

Any hazardous chemicals or construction materials must be appropriately stored in a safe place.

All the machinery and equipment must be maintained in the proper condition and duly checked before use.

Floors and passages must be kept clean. If any liquid has been spilled, it must be immediately cleaned.

Adequate lighting must be ensured at darker construction sites.

Nails, blades, and other materials must be kept properly and dumped appropriately.

Construction workers that are subjected to extreme working conditions, such as confined places, should be provided with appropriate breathing apparatus, or the working place must be provided with adequate ventilation.

An emergency first aid kit must be provided at the site.

Operational ready rescue unit and emergency equipment must be

The scaffolding must be adequately braced and checked before use.

Catch nets must be provided on unprotected sides.

While working at heights, workers must make sure they use the safety belts.

While working at noise-prone construction sites, ear muffs or other protective equipment must be used.

Workers who have consumed alcohol or are under the influence of such substances must not be allowed to stay at the site.

Projected nails must be removed immediately.

Site security must be ensured at all times.

The workers must be encouraged to become a part of the safety program at the site and motivated to use the safety equipment and guidelines provided to them.


Construction Site Safety



  6. References  

1. Content Filter & Authenticity Checking Team, Dream Civil International

(Our team checks every content & detail to maintain quality.)



Read Also: Construction Site Safety


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