Pumping Water Distribution System : Working, Advantages & Disadvantages

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In the pumping water distribution system, water is supplied to the consumers with the help of pumps.

Some extra pumps are also installed for emergency causes like fire hazards, peak water demand, etc.

This method is suitable if the source is at a lower elevation than the target community.

However, this system of distribution becomes very expensive for long-term use.

In this system, the water may be insufficient when the power fails. So diesel pumps are also managed as an alternative.

This method has no problem with the pressure and maintaining the head at the consumer’s tap.

Pumping Water Distribution System




  i. Working of Pumping Water Distribution System  

~ Pump ( at intake structure) is utilized to supply the water to the transmission mains which conveys the water to the treatment plant.

~ After treating water, it is stored in service reservoirs from which water is distributed to the consumers using pumps.



  ii. Advantages of Pumping Water Distribution System  

1. Water can be pumped only when required.

2. Low water loss due to leakage.



  iii. Disadvantages of Pumping Water Distribution System  

1. Break down of system may occur if power fails.

2. Maintenance and operation cost is high.

3. During pumping hours, the inflow of water through leaks may cause water contamination.


Read More: Gravity Flow Water Distribution System 


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