Benefits of High-Efficiency Furnace Filter: Improved Indoor Air Quality and Energy Savings

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Sometimes, investing in-quality products is the best way to save money. The initial cost of a high-efficiency furnace filter may seem high, but, in the end, you will save a lot of money on energy costs and improve the indoor air quality in your home. Here is what you should know about high-efficiency furnace filters! 



  How Does a High-Efficiency Furnace Filter Work?  

✓ Your HVAC unit’s filter cleans the air of harmful contaminants and shields the system from dust and debris that could impede its operation. Indoor air pollution is responsible for more than 1.6 million deaths annually, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Dust, pollen, viruses, bacteria, and other contaminants are prevented from circulating throughout your home by an HVAC air filter.

✓ To improve the air quality in your home, you will need to replace your HVAC filter from time to time. This isn’t only beneficial to your health. It also makes your HVAC system work better and last longer.

✓ A high-efficiency filter can catch particles with a diameter of fewer than 0.3 microns. This indicates that it can effectively filter out pollen, bacteria, fumes, and viruses.

✓ Usually, these filters’ minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) will be higher than average. The MERV scale has values between 1 and 16. The higher the filter’s MERV, the smaller the particles it can filter. When it comes to the materials used to create such filters, synthetic materials with pleats are commonly used. 

✓ They make for high-efficiency filters because the pleats create a larger surface area. Because of this, harmful particles won’t get into the air since the furnace air filters will stop them.



  Benefits of High-Efficiency Furnace Filter  

High-efficiency furnace filters offer many benefits, including:


a. Improved Indoor Air Quality

✓ High-efficiency furnace filters can capture a broader range of particles, such as pollen, dust, pet dander, and mold spores.

✓ This enhances indoor air quality by reducing the number of pollutants and allergens in the air, leading to cleaner, fresher air, which is beneficial for the health of everyone in the home.


b. Energy Savings

✓ Furnace filters can help save energy by increasing the efficiency of your HVAC system. When your HVAC system has to work harder to push air through dirty filters, it uses more energy and, therefore, will result in higher energy bills.

✓ A high-efficiency furnace filter can reduce the strain on your HVAC system and reduce your energy bills.



  Enhance The Longevity of Your HVAC System  

✓ High-efficiency furnace filters can also prolong the life of your HVAC system by preventing dust and dirt build-up on critical components. This can reduce the need for costly repairs and replacements down the line.

✓ However, it is essential to note that high-efficiency furnace filters may require more frequent replacement or cleaning. This is because the filter typically captures more particles, which can cause it to become clogged faster. Additionally, high-efficiency furnace filters may be more expensive than standard filters.

✓  It is essential to weigh the benefits and costs of using a high-efficiency furnace filter and decide if it is worth the investment in your situation.

✓ Another consideration is the level of air filtration you need. High-efficiency furnace filters have various levels of filtration, with some capable of capturing even the tiniest particles, like microscopic allergens or viruses.

However, a filter with a MERV rating (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) of 8-12 is sufficient for most households. Higher-rated filters may restrict airflow too much and potentially damage the HVAC system.

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