Fahrenheit to Kelvin

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  1. Fahrenheit to Kelvin  

To calculate Fahrenheit to kelvin follow the below steps:

a. Subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature.

b. Multiply this number by 5.

c. Divide this number by 9.

d. Add 273.15 to this number.


(F − 32) × 5/9 + 273.15 = K

The answer will be the temperature in Kelvin. Note that while Fahrenheit has degrees, Kelvin does not.


Fahrenheit (°F)Kelvin (K)
-459.67 °F0 K
-50 °F227.59 K
-40 °F233.15 K
-30 °F238.71 K
-20 °F244.26 K
-10 °F249.82 K
0 °F255.37 K
10 °F260.93 K
20 °F266.48 K
30 °F272.04 K
40 °F277.59 K
50 °F283.15 K
60 °F288.71 K
70 °F294.26 K
80 °F299.82 K
90 °F305.37 K
100 °F310.93 K




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