Earthquake Warning System: Working

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In this article, we will discuss an earthquake warning system.

An earthquake may be defined as the sudden shock of the earth that emits the energy in the earth’s lithosphere causing the formation of seismic waves.

The earthquake can be caused due to volcanic eruption, moving of tectonic plates, formation of the cave in a small area, or due to explosions. It is determined with the help of a seismograph by Seismometers and is measured on the Richter Magnitude Scale.



  1. Earthquake Warning System  

ShakeAlert is an earthquake early warning (EEW) system that marks noticeable earthquakes so fastly that notice can be reached the major public before shaking starts. ShakeAlert is not a device that can do earthquake prediction, rather a ShakeAlert notice denotes that an earthquake has started and shaking is approaching.

In normal cases, earthquakes produce Love waves over a span of periods from 1000 to a fraction of a second, and each period moves at various velocities but the typical span of velocities is observed to be between 2 and 6 kilometers per second.

You are far from the epicenter then you got a more time and seconds to escape and you will face less damage. The intensity of earthquakes is decreased with the increase in span. For example, if you are 1200 km far then you have around 600 to 200 seconds more time to escape from the building.

The earthquake warning system can save many lives as well as people can be ready to tackle a Tsunami, those living and staying near the Tsunami.


In this article, we will discuss an earthquake warning system. An earthquake may be defined as the sudden shock of the earth that emits the energy in the earth’s lithosphere causing the formation of seismic waves. The earthquake can be caused due to volcanic eruption, moving of tectonic plates, formation of the cave in a small area, or due to explosions. It is determined with the help of a seismograph by Seismometers and is measured on the Richter Magnitude Scale.   1. Earthquake Warning System   ShakeAlert is an earthquake early warning (EEW) system that marks noticeable earthquakes so fastly that notice can be reached the major public before shaking starts. ShakeAlert is not a device that can do earthquake prediction, rather a ShakeAlert notice denotes that an earthquake has started and shaking is approaching. In normal cases, earthquakes produce Love waves over a span of periods from 1000 to a fraction of a second, and each period moves at various velocities but the typical span of velocities is observed to be between 2 and 6 kilometers per second. You are far from the epicenter then you got a more time and seconds to escape and you will face less damage. The intensity of earthquakes is decreased with the increase in span. For example, if you are 1200 km far then you have around 600 to 200 seconds more time to escape from the building. The earthquake warning system can save many lives as well as people can be ready to tackle a Tsunami, those living and staying near the Tsunami.   2. Earthquake Warning System Works   It works in the following ways:  a. At the time of an earthquake, many types of seismic waves emerged from the earthquake's epicenter. Initially, weaker but faster-moving P-waves activate sensors that, in turn, transfer signals to data processing centers. b. Algorithms fastly measure the earthquake's location, magnitude, and intensity: Where is it? How large is it? Who is going to notice it? c. The system then provides notice before slower, but more destructive S-waves and surface waves begin. Read Also: Determine the Epicenter of an Earthquake



  2. Earthquake Warning System Works  

It works in the following ways: 

a. At the time of an earthquake, many types of seismic waves emerged from the earthquake’s epicenter. Initially, weaker but faster-moving P-waves activate sensors that, in turn, transfer signals to data processing centers.

b. Algorithms fastly measure the earthquake’s location, magnitude, and intensity: Where is it? How large is it? Who is going to notice it?

c. The system then provides notice before slower, but more destructive S-waves and surface waves begin.


Read Also: Determine the Epicenter of an Earthquake


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