By Law and Code

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In this article, we will discuss By Law and Code.


  By-Law  & Code  

By-Law is a rule established by a community or an organization to regulate itself, as allowed or provided for by some higher authority.

The higher authority, generally a legislature (the legislative body of state ) or some other governmental body, establishes the degree of control or criteria that the by-laws may exercise.

By-laws may be established by different agencies such as a business corporation, a neighborhood association, municipality, state, etc.

The collection of laws and constitutions made by different authorities is “THE CODE”.

A body of law established by the legislative authority, and intended to set uniformity, in generalized and systematic form.

Eg. The minimum acceptable dimension of a column for Kerala municipality is 1′.

A minimum diameter of reinforcement for a column is 12 mm there are a number of codes related to NS or IS or AS.


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