Irrigation Engineering Objective Questions (MCQs) | PDF Download

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Irrigation Engineering Objective Questions (MCQs) | PDF Download
Topic of MCQsIrrigation Engineering
Size271 KB
Number of Questions138
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Question No. 1
To hold hydraulic jumps, baffle walls are provided in

(A) Sarda type falls
(B) English type falls
(C) Montague type falls
(D) Vertical type falls

Answer: Option B


Question No. 2

Pick up the correct sequence of the part of a canal system from the following

(A) Head work-distributary-branch canal-minor
(B) Head works-main canal-branch canal-distributary-minor
(C) Head works-main canal-branch canal-minor-distributary
(D) Heads works-branch canal-main canal distributary, minor

Answer: Option B


Question No. 3
The field capacity of a soil depends upon

(A) Capillary tension in the soil
(B) Porosity of soil
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) Neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Option C


Question No. 4
The water face of the guide banks is protected by

(A) One men stone pitching
(B) Two-man stone pitching
(C) Three-man stone pitching
(D) Four man stone pitching

Answer: Option A


Question No. 5
Pick up the correct statement from the following

(A) Escapes are essential safety valves in a canal system
(B) The escapes must lead the surplus water to natural drainages
(C) The escapes are aligned to take advantage of contours of lower values
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D


Question No. 6
For a unique design of a channel by Kennedy’s theory

(A) Its breadth must only be known
(B) Its depth must only be known
(C) Its breadth and depth ratio must only be known
(D) All the above

Answer: Option C


Question No. 7
The structure constructed to allow drainage water to flow under pressure through an inverted syphon below a canal is called

(A) Syphon
(B) Super passage
(C) Super-aqueduct
(D) Syphon aqueduct

Answer: Option D


Question No. 8
The main cause of silting up a channel,

(A) Non-regime section
(B) Inadequate slope
(C) Defective head regulator
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D


Question No. 9
Pick up the correct statement from the following:

(A) Gravity water is harmful to crops
(B) Hygroscopic water remains attached to soil molecules by a chemical bond
(C) Capillary moisture held in the soil pores against gravity by surface tension, is utilised by plants
(D) All the above

Answer: Option C


Question No. 10
A river training work is generally required when the river is

(A) Meandering
(B) Aggrading
(C) Degrading
(D) All the above

Answer: Option A


Question No. 11
When a canal flowing under pressure is carried below natural drainage such that its F.S.L. does not touch the underside of the supporting structure, the structure so provided, is called

(A) Syphon
(B) Aqueduct
(C) Super passage
(D) Syphon-aqueduct

Answer: Option C


Question No. 12
Pick up the correct statement from the following

(A) In a level crossing, a crest with its top at the canal F.S.L. is provided across the drainage at its up-stream junction with the canal
(B) In a level crossing a regulator is provided across the drainage at its down-stream (C) In a level crossing, a cross regulator is provided on the canal below the crossing
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D


Question No. 13
In a Sarda type fall, the rectangular crest may be used for discharge up to

(A) 6 cumecs
(B) 10 cumecs
(C) 14 cumecs
(D) 20 cumecs


Answer: Option C


Question No. 14
The measure to remove waterlogging of land is

(A) To reduce percolation from canals and water courses
(B) To increase outflow from the groundwater reservoir
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) Neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Option C

Question No. 15
Borrow pits should preferably be located in

(A) Field on the left side of the canal
(B) Field on the right side of the canal
(C) Fields on both sides of the canal
(D) Central half-width of the section of the canal

Answer: Option D


Question No. 16
The sinuosity of a meander is the ratio of

(A) Meander length and the width of meander
(B) Meander length and half-width of the river
(C) Curved length and the straight distance
(D) None of these

Answer: Option C


Question No. 17
Pick up the correct statement from the following:

(A) If the flexibility is more than one, the outlet is hyper-proportional
(B) If the setting of an outlet is higher than that required for proportionality, the outlet is hyperproportional
(C) If the flexibility is zero, it is a rigid module
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D


Question No. 18
According to Khosla, the exits gradient of surface flow

(A) Depends upon the b/d ratio
(B) Is independent of the b/d ratio
(C) Is independent of the depths of d/s cut off walls
(D) None of these

Answer: Option A


Question No. 19
A hydraulic structure is designed to withstand

(A) Seepage forces
(B) Hydraulic jump
(C) Hydraulic pressure
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D

Question No. 20
If the optimum depth of kor watering for a crop is 15.12 cm, the outlet factor for the crop for four week period in hectares per cumec is

(A) 1000
(B) 1200
(C) 1400
(D) 1600

Answer: Option D



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