Hydrology & Water Resource Engineering Objective Questions (MCQs) | PDF Download

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Hydrology & Water Resource Engineering Objective Questions ( MCQs ) PDF containing 232 questions is given below. You can directly download this PDF and study from it.


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Hydrology & Water Resource Engineering Objective Questions (MCQs) | PDF Download
Topic of MCQsHydrology & Water Resource Engineering
Size418 KB
Number of Questions232
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  2. Some questions from PDF  


Question No. 1
Consumptive use of a crop during growth is the amount of

(A) Interception
(B) Transpiration
(C) Evaporation
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D


Question No. 2
Pick up the correct statement from the following:

(A) The intensity of rain is the rate at which it falls
(B) The duration of rain is the time for which it falls with a given intensity
(C) The frequency of rain is the number of times it falls
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D


Question No. 3
If the slope of a line for infiltration capacity curve is 1/1.737, the value of constant k in Horton’s equation of infiltration capacity curve is

(A) 2.0
(B) 2.5
(C) 4.0
(D) 5.0

Answer: Option C


Question No. 4
If the grain size of soil increases

(A) Surface area decreases
(B) Specific retention decreases
(C) Water supply in well increases
(D) All the above


Answer: Option D


Question No. 5
For the determination of average annual precipitation in a catchment basin, the best method is

(A) Arithmetical method
(B) Thiessen’s mean method
(C) Isohyetal method
(D) None of these

Answer: Option C


Question No. 6
Prof. Running suggested the method for extending the discharge curve. It is known as

(A) Logarithmic method
(B) method
(C) General method
(D) None of these

Answer: Option A


Question No. 7
If the potential infiltration of a watershed having soil with fair pasture cover, is 10 cm and rainfall is 12 cm, the direct runoff is :

(A) 2 cm
(B) 3 cm
(C) 5 cm
(D) 7 cm

Answer: Option C


Question No. 8
Precipitation includes

(A) Rain
(B) Snow
(C) Hail
(D) All of these

Answer: Option D


Question No. 9
The rainfall cycle period in India is taken as

(A) 15 years
(B) 20 years
(C) 25 years
(D) 35 years

Answer: Option D


Question No. 10
The best unit period of a unit hydrograph is equal to basin lag divided by

(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5

Answer: Option C


Question No. 11
For predicting floods of a given frequency, the best reliable method is

(A) Unit hydrograph method
(B) Gumbel’s analytical method
(C) California method
(D) None of these

Answer: Option A


Question No. 12
Humidity refers to

(A) Temperature of the air
(B) Pressure of the air
(C) Moisture content of the air
(D) Volume of the air

Answer: Option C

Question No. 13
The relative humidity is the ratio of actual vapor pressure to the saturation vapor pressure

(A) At the same temperature
(B) At the same pressure
(C) In the same volume
(D) In the atmosphere

Answer: Option A



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