Fahrenheit to Degrees Celsius ( F to C ) : Conversion Calculator

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1. Fahrenheit to Degrees Celsius  

To convert Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius, use the formula mentioned below:

(32°F − 32) × 5/9 = °C
Fahrenheit (°F)Celsius (°C)Description
-459.67 °F-273.15 °CAbsolute zero temperature
-50 °F-45.56 °C
-40 °F-40.00 °C
-30 °F-34.44 °C
-20 °F-28.89 °C
-10 °F-23.33 °C
0 °F-17.78 °C
10 °F-12.22 °C
20 °F-6.67 °C
30 °F-1.11 °C
32 °F0 °CFreezing/melting point of water
40 °F4.44 °C
50 °F10.00 °C
60 °F15.56 °C
70 °F21.11 °CRoom temperature
80 °F26.67 °C
90 °F32.22 °C
98.6 °F37 °CAverage body temperature
100 °F37.78 °C
110 °F43.33 °C
120 °F48.89 °C
130 °F54.44 °C
140 °F60.00 °C
150 °F65.56 °C
160 °F71.11 °C
170 °F76.67 °C
180 °F82.22 °C
190 °F87.78 °C
200 °F93.33 °C
212 °F100 °CBoiling Point of Water



2. Some Important Value  

Absolute Zero-459.67°F-273.15°C
Freezing point32°F0°C
Body Temperature98.6°F37°C
Boiling point212°F100°C


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Verified Article By Er. Madhu Krishna Poudel
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