Everything About Cob House

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Cob house refers to buildings that are made up of a mixture of clay, sand, and straw which is commonly called cob. They were used from very ancient times in most countries of the world. But due to increasing urbanization, they have become extinct from many corners of the world.

They are well known for environmentally friendly housing and durability. They are highly energy efficient and flexible. The materials used in the building process of the cob house are all natural.

The construction of the cob house was at its peak between the 14th to 19th centuries in the UK. It was also widely accepted in other countries of Europe including Africa and the Middle East countries.


  A. Materials Used In The Construction  

Cob is made up of a mixture of clay, sand, and straw. The cob is used to build the house. The proportion of the materials may vary from person to person or place to place. The functions of materials are:

  i. sand  : Provides stability and structure

  ii. clay  : Strength and durability of the mixture

  iii. straw : Provide insulation also hold the mixture together

The above-mentioned materials are the core of building the cob. Along with these materials, other natural materials are also used which are stones, wood, etc.

Cob houses are mostly made up of hand which is called cobbing. The clay sand and straw mixture is give given a dough-like condition. After the dough of the cob is made it is shaped into a wall structure as how brickwork is done in a normal concrete home.

Different structures and designs are made in the walls using different handcraft tools and then the cob is left to dry.

After the process, it results in a dry, strong, and durable building structure.


  B. Sustainability And Environmental Benefits of the Cob House  

Some of the environmental benefits of cob houses are:

  i. Low carbon footprint:  

As cob houses are made up of local natural materials, it reduces the carbon emission from transportation. Also, it is found that the carbon emission in the production of cob houses is very less in comparison to other houses like steel and concrete.

  ii. Energy efficiency:  

The mixture of clay, sand, and straw makes the house insulating. the temperature in the house is maintained naturally. So there is no need for a heating or cooling system which saves energy

  iii. Natural materials:   

As the materials used in building the cob house are naturally found in the environment which means all the waste from the house-building process is biodegradable.

  iv. Durability:  

Cob houses are best known for their durability and their long life. They can survive for hundreds of years without reconstruction.

  v. Affordability:  

Cob houses are highly cost-efficient. They reduce the financial burden and make it more accessible to everybody


  C. Features/Characteristics of Cob House  

Some of the features of a cob house are as follows:

  i. Open floor plans:  

Cob houses are normally built with very less or no interior walls. They are designed to create openness and specious feelings.

  ii. Natural light:  

Cob houses are generally designed with large windows to allow natural light inside the house

  iii. Natural ventilation:  

As there are many windows and ventilation option in the cob house, these house offers natural ventilation and air system

  iv. Flexibility:  

As there are very less walls inside the cob house. and also they are designed in such a way that they can be modified to our wants. So this type of house offers you a high flexibility

  v. Customization:  

The cob house can be customized to our desire. They involve various types of natural plantations inside the house.


  D. Future Of Cob House  

It is very hard to tell what will be the future of the cob house because these types of houses are mostly abandoned in many countries in the world. Today people prefer mostly concrete or wooden houses. But there are other many factors that may affect the future of the cob house and may give some ups to the cob house:

  i. A Search For Alternatives:  

Today due to increasing environmental problems many researchers are in search of alternatives that can replace the modern housing system and are also very energy efficient. And in such cases, the cob house can be a very great option for people searching for an environmentally friendly living.

  ii. Affordability:  

Cob houses are very cheap to build in comparison to traditional houses. It can be a very appealing option to people searching for affordable comfort.

  iii. Flexibility:  

As cob house can be easily modified with time. It can be a very good option for people who wants to change their living with time

  iv. Building Materials:  

The construction materials needed for the construction of the cob house are easily available and are natural so people from every corner may adopt the cob house also the cob house can be built as a leisure home in a harsh place.

In summary, we can tell that the future of the cob house is uncertain and may change with time.


  E. Difference Between Cob House And Mud House  

Many people take the mud house and the cob house as the same. But they are different in some classes. Some of the differences between the cob house and the mud house are as follows:

S.N.cob housemud house
1They are made from a mixture of sand, clay, and strawThey are made from a mixture of clay and water without the addition of sand and straw
2In the construction process, we use the  cob and shaped it into walls, and is built with handThe construction process may be either traditional which is similar to building a cob house or modern using earth blocks.
3The strength and durability of cob house are relatively higher in comparison to the mud house as straw and sang are usedThe strength and durability of the mud house are relatively lower in comparison to the cob  house



  F. Negative Side of a Cob House  

Some of the negative sides of the cob house are as follows:

  i. Time Taking:  

As the cob house building is a long time taking process. It may take from several months to even years to construct a cob house depending upon the number of people and complexity of the structure to be built.

  ii. Weather Sensitivity:  

As cob house is built from natural materials they are too sensitive to the weather and procedure. We may face the problem of cracking or even worse it may collapse if all the procedure is not done in the correct way.

  iii. Zoning Restriction:  

The law varies from place to place. In many places, we may find zoning restrictions to cob houses. So you may not fulfill your house at your desired place.

  iv. Difficulty in Finance:  

As cob hoses are not seen in use in many places. So it may be difficult to finance the house. Lenders may have trust issues while lending you the loan.


  G. 8 Stunning Designs of the Cob House.  

cob house







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