Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics Objective Questions (MCQs) | PDF Download

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Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics Objective Questions ( MCQs ) PDF containing 515 Hydraulics & 60 Fluid questions is given below. You can directly download this PDF and study from it.


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Hydraulics & Fluid Dynamics Objective Questions (MCQs) | PDF Download
Topic of MCQsHydraulics & Fluid Mechanics
Size919 KB
Number of Questions515 Hydraulics & 60 Fluids
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  2. Some questions from PDF  


Question No. 1
The error in discharge (dQ/Q) to the error in measurement of the head (dH/H) over a rectangular notch is given by

(A) dQ/Q = (1/2) × (dH/H)
(B) dQ/Q = (3/4) × (dH/H)
(C) dQ/Q = (dH/H)
(D) dQ/Q = (3/2) × (dH/H)

Answer: Option D


Question No. 2
The flow of water through the hole in the bottom of a washbasin is an example of

(A) Steady flow
(B) Uniform flow
(C) Free vortex
(D) Forced vortex

Answer: Option C



Question No. 3
A flow in which the viscosity of the fluid is dominating over the inertia force is called

(A) Steady flow
(B) Unsteady flow
(C) Laminar flow
(D) Turbulent flow

Answer: Option C


Question No. 4
The hydraulic mean depth or the hydraulic radius is the ratio of

(A) Area of flow and wetted perimeter
(B) Wetted perimeter and diameter of the pipe
(C) Velocity of flow and area of flow
(D) None of these

Answer: Option A


Question No. 5
A flow whose streamline is represented by a curve is called

(A) One-dimensional flow
(B) Two-dimensional flow
(C) Three-dimensional flow
(D) Four-dimensional flow

Answer: Option B


Question No. 6
The value of the coefficient of discharge is __________ the value of the coefficient of velocity.

(A) Less than
(B) Same as
(C) More than
(D) None of these

Answer: Option A


Question No. 7
The hydraulic mean depth for a circular pipe of diameter (d) is

(A) d/6
(B) d/4
(C) d/2
(D) d

Answer: Option B


Question No. 8
A fluid whose viscosity does not change with the rate of deformation or shear strain is known as

(A) Real fluid
(B) Ideal fluid
(C) Newtonian fluid
(D) Non-Newtonian fluid

Answer: Option C


Question No. 9
The barometer is used to measure

(A) Velocity of liquid
(B) Atmospheric pressure
(C) Pressure in pipes and channels
(D) Difference of pressure between two points in a pipe

Answer: Option B


Question No. 10
An error of 1% in measuring head over the crest of the notch (H) will produce an error of __________ in discharge over a triangular notch,

(A) 1 %
(B) 1.5 %
(C) 2 %
(D) 2.5 %

Answer: Option D


Question No. 11
The coefficient of venturi-flume, generally, lies between

(A) 0.3 to 0.45
(B) 0.50 to 0.75
(C) 0.75 to 0.95
(D) 0.95 to 1.0

Answer: Option D


Question No. 12
A flow in which the quantity of liquid flowing per second is not constant is called

(A) Streamline flow
(B) Turbulent flow
(C) Steady flow
(D) Unsteady flow

Answer: Option D


Question No. 13
The specific gravity of water is taken as

(A) 0.001
(B) 0.01
(C) 0.1
(D) 1

Answer: Option D



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