Docks & Harbour Engineering Objective Questions (MCQs) | PDF Download

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Docks & Harbour Engineering Objective Questions (MCQs) | PDF Download
Topic of MCQsDocks & Harbour Engineering
Size226 KB
Number of Questions95
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Question No. 1
Pick up the correct statement from the following:

(A) The direction of the littoral drift depends upon the direction of the wave with respect to the coastline
(B) The direction of a river opening to the sea determines the direction of no littoral drift
(C) Harbour in the path of littoral drift is not constructed to avoid a build-up of sand on one side and erosion on the other
(D) all of the above

Answer: Option D


Question No. 2
The heaviest line is used to democrat

(A) The low water line
(B) The high water line
(C) The limit of swamps
(D) The direction of current

Answer: Option B


Question No. 3
On a hydrographic map, the following feature is shown:

(A) High and low water lines
(B) Depth contours
(C) Land and water areas
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D


Question No. 4
Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

(A) As a wave of seawater approaches the coastline, it is generally accompanied by a drift of water in the direction of wave advance
(B) The on-shore wind helps to produce wave action as well as the rise of M.S.L.
(C) A falling hydraulic gradient occurs in the direction of the wave
(D) The wave while receding carries finer particles out to deep water

Answer: Option C


Question No. 5
On the seashore structures, the water wave impact causes

(A) Direct compressive force due to its horizontal component
(B) Shear force due to deflected vertical force
(C) Compressive force due to collapse of the wave
(D) All of the above

Answer: Option D


Question No. 6
According to the recommendations of the International Navigational Congress in 1912, the ratio of length to width at the entrance for passenger’s vessels is:

(A) 7.25 to 1
(B) 7.80 to 1
(C) 8.11 to 1
(D) 8.44 to 1

Answer: Option D


Question No. 7
The important component of a seaport is

(A) Terminal buildings
(B) The docks
(C) The harbour
(D) All of these

Answer: Option D


Question No. 8
Pick up the correct statement from the following:

(A) The artificial barrier constructed to enclose “n area for safe anchorage, is called breakwater
(B) The smoothened surface at the top end of the vertical face of a guay wall, is called fending
(C) The effective berthing lengths of inclined guays can be adjusted
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D


Question No. 9
Pick up the correct statement from the following:

(A) The operation of removing material from the sea or river bed is known as
(B) Dredging
(C) Digging
(D) None of these

Answer: Option A


Question No. 10
Depth of borings for soil investigation is generally kept below low water level

(A) 30 m
(B) 35 m
(C) 45 m
(D) 40 m

Answer: Option C


Question No. 11
Which one of the following landmarks on the coastline must be depicted on hydrographic maps?

(A) Shoreline
(B) Lighthouses
(C) Church spires
(D) All the above

Answer: Option D


Question No. 12
The low water datum for a lake is defined as the surface of the lake when it is at an elevation

(A) 180.5 m above M.S.L.
(B) 190.5 m above M.S.L.
(C) 170.5 m above M.S.L.
(D) 200.0 m above M.S.L.

Answer: Option A


Question No. 13
The dock wall is designed as a gravity retaining wall and is tested for

(A) Backfill pressure when the dock is empty
(B) Maximum water pressure from the dock without any backfill
(C) The load charge transmitted to the dock by the movement of loaded vehicles or trains on the way
(D) All of the above

Answer: Option D


Question No. 14
Soundings are required for

(A) Making nautical charts for navigation
(B) Ascertaining the areas subject to scour or silting
(C) Obtaining detailed information for construction
(D) All the above


Answer: Option D


Question No. 15
Location of soundings by the range and one angle is done by the surveyor

(A) On the shore
(B) On the boat
(C) On the shore or on the boat
(D) None of the above

Answer: Option C


Question No. 16
The variation of atmospheric potential is caused due to:

(A) Difference in temperature over the surface of the earth
(B) Change in the density of air
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) Neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: Option C



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