Building Construction Objective Questions (MCQs) | PDF Download

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Building Construction Objective Questions (MCQs) | PDF Download
Topic of MCQsBuilding Construction
Size252 KB
Number of Questions300
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  2. Some questions from PDF  


Question No. 1
In jack arch floor, the rise is kept

(A) 1/6th of the span
(B) 1/8th of the span
(C) 1/10th of the span
(D) 1/12th of the span

Answer: Option D


Question No. 2
The method of moving each brick through a small horizontal distance before it is finally laid in any brick wall and pressing it by means of a brick hammer is known as

(A) Trowelling
(B) Laying
(C) Grouting
(D) Placing

Answer: Option B


Question No. 3
Black cotton soil is unsuitable for foundations because its

(A) Bearing capacity is low
(B) Permeability is uncertain
(C) Particles are cohesive
(D) Property to undergo a volumetric change due to variation of moisture content

Answer: Option D


Question No. 4
A temporary rigid structure having platforms to enable masons to work at different stages of a building, is known as

(A) Scaffolding
(B) Dead shore
(C) Raking shore
(D) Underpinning

Answer: Option A


Question No. 5
A floor constructed with 3 mm marble chips, is known

(A) Mosaic floor
(B) Terrazzo floor
(C) Chips floor
(D) Marble floor

Answer: Option B


Question No. 6
The local swelling of a finished plaster is termed

(A) Cracking
(B) Dubbing
(C) Blistering
(D) Hacking

Answer: Option C


Question No. 7
Expansion joints in masonry walls are provided if the length exceeds

(A) 10 m
(B) 20 m
(C) 30 m
(D) 40 m

Answer: Option D


Question No. 8
The stone whose crushing strength is least is

(A) Granite
(B) Chalk
(C) Marble
(D) Slate

Answer: Option B


Question No. 9
The portion of a brick cut across the width is called

(A) Closer
(B) Half brick
(C) Bed
(D) Bat

Answer: Option D


Question No. 10
The type of bond in which every course contains both headers and stretchers is called

(A) English bond
(B) Flemish bond
(C) Russian band
(D) Mixed bond

Answer: Option B


Question No. 11
To support a heavy structure in sandy soil, the type of foundation generally used, is

(A) Combined footing
(B) Raft footing
(C) Pier footing
(D) Strap footing

Answer: Option C


Question No. 12
The vertical side member of a shutter frame is known

(A) Style
(B) Reveal
(C) Mullion
(D) Post

Answer: Option A



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